OAU! Delivery of donations from the used cooking oil collection service to the two Voluntary Fire Brigades of Barreiro

The delivery of donations from the used cooking oil collection service – OAU! to the two volunteer fire brigades of Barreiro took place on 15 August, at the Barreiro Festivities. The donations for the 2017/2018 biennium have a total value of € 1,068.68, corresponding to the collection of 11,658 litres of OAU.
On the Tidal Stage, for the delivery of the cheques, were the Mayor of the CMB, Frederico Rosa, the Vice-President João Pintassilgo, responsible for the Urban Hygiene area, André Ferreira and Miguel Ferreira, from the company Oleotorres, Acácio Coelho, Commander of the Bombeiros Voluntários do Sul e Sueste, and José Caetano, President of the Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários do Barreiro Corpo de Salvação Pública.
The initiative was also attended by councillors Sara Ferreira, Pedro Estrela, Rui Braga and Alexandra Silvestre.
Since 2009, the Câmara Municipal do Barreiro provides the Used Food Oil Collection Service – OAU! This service was born from a partnership between the Municipality and the company SOVENA – FULA brand.
Besides the collection in bins placed in public roads, the service also includes the collection in educational establishments, institutions, restaurants and similar establishments.
The forwarding and treatment of the used cooking oil (OAU) collected is the responsibility of the company OLEOTORRES, with which the CMB has established a protocol. The litres of oil collected are donated by OLEOTORRES to the Voluntary Fire Brigades of Barreiro Sul e Sueste and the Public Salvation Corps.
Since 2009, 122,093 litres of used cooking oil have been collected by the OAU! service, corresponding to a donation of 10,603.93 euros.
For more information about the service, please contact the Division of Urban Hygiene and Waste on the telephone no. 212 068 068 or by email dar.mail@cm-barreiro.pt.